오픽 시험 템플릿(IH ~ AL)
○ 지형
- 한국과 이탈리아의 지형, 기후 비교
When comparing the geography of my country Korea with Italy, several simiralities stand out(눈에 띄다). Both Korea and Italy are peninsulas, featuring extensive coastlines that contribute to thrivng fishing and shippng industiries.
Tourist flock(모이다) tostunning coastal landcscapes. Enjoying the beautiful beaches bays, and cliff in both countries. In Atmosphere, generally southern regions have milder weather, while nothern areas experience colder conditions.
In conclusion, Korea and Italy shown many geographical similarities.
○ 은행
- 은행과 관련된 경험
I had to go to a bank to get a new OTP car, you know, One time pass card, a few days ago. Actually I got the card just a week ago, but I couldn't find it. It is so small that I easily lose it. that's always annoying.
It was ranining outside. and the nearest bank was under construction. so I had to go quite far away. When I finally got to the other bank. It was pretty crowded.
I got the ticket and waited for my numver to be called. After that I told the bank teller why I came here and she was like "There is $3 addtional fee to reissue your card, and you can only pay in cash"
Oh my god. I didn't have any cash at that time. we hardly have cash, because we all use credit card these days, It was such a disaster. I ended up coming back home with nothing done. this was one of my terrible experience at a bank.
○ 여행
- 여행 가기 전 준비를 많이하는 성격
You know, There are so many things I prepare before a trip. When it comes to getting ready for a trip. I always make sure to have all the things I need before I leave. I think doing some research about my destination is what I always do first. Making a paln for a trip always give me a lot of joy. what's more, I always consider many options a head of time(미리).
After doing research, I make reservatuon for my flight, hotel rooms, and thing like that. I think visiting a local restaurane is important to satisfying tavelling.so I sometimes ask my friends for restaurant recommendations.
Another thing I do(=also I do) before tavelling is making a packing list. I am a heavy packer, so It's neccesary to decide what to bring before packing my bag to avoid making it too heavy,
There's one more thing I never forget to do. I always look up must-vist tourist attractions and meticulously(꼼꼼하게) read online reviews.So I'd have to say that my preparation is all about planning every detail ahead
- 여행 가기 전 준비 많이 안 하는 타입
You know, I don't do much prep before travelling. I just put together(준비하다) essentails like extra clothes, shoes, toiletries and whatnot(등등).
nowadays, with my smartphone, I can pretty much deal with everything on the go. If I ever need to book a restuarant while I'm away. there're plenty of convenient apps for that. So, when it comes to international travel, a translate app is a must-have. So I think for me(나에게는) the most important prep before a trip is downloading all the essential apps.
Besides I'm not a heavy packer, So I only take what I absolutely need. Heavy bags just wear me out(make me exhausted) when I am on the move.I'm alll about spontaneity[스폰'터네이어티] when I travel, so I am always excited to see waht will happen during my adventures.(c.f / outdoorsy [zy])
○ Filler word
- I guests(I think)
- well, you know
- I mean,
- Let me think
- Anyway, moving on
- Guess what
- As I said eariler
- So, basically